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New Student Questions

1.  What are the school times at Glenwood Intermediate?
- Students may enter the building starting at 7:50 AM (Tardy Bell is 8:10 AM) and students are dismissed at 3:10 PM.
During cold temperature and inclement weather days students may wait in the entryway at door 1 before doors open to keep them safe from the elements.

2.  How many and how long are class periods?
We have 10 periods of 41 minutes each.  However, each of the 3 core class (Language Arts, Math, & Science/Social Studies) are a block of 2 periods (total of 82 minutes) for each class.

3.  How do you take such a large building and make it easier for my student to know where they are going?
- All students are members of Content Team consisting of 3 homeroom teachers whose classes are close to each other.  
- There are only 80 - 90 students in this team, therefore our core teachers (Language Arts, Math, & Science/Social Studies) can stay in constant communication with parents through weekly team emails, updated websites, parent-teacher conferences, & other programs such as Remind 101.
- All arts classes are offered in the lower section and are walked there by their core teachers.

4.  Will my student have any choice in their arts classes?
- Absolutely!  We offer many class choices such as: STEAM, Visual Arts, Strings, Spanish, Instrumental Music, Drama, Dance, Piano Keyboarding, 21st Century Technology, Vocal Music, & Physical Education.

5.  What if my student has an IEP or 504, what supports does Glenwood offer my student?
- We offer many support classes to support your child including: speech, Wilson reading, Core Plus More Math, Core Plus Language Arts, and other specialists who can meet your child's needs.

6.  What if my student wants to focus on a specific art class? Is there a way they can place an emphasis on that class?
- Yes, we offer full year immersion classes in the visual arts, Spanish, Drama, & Dance classes.  Students who show high aptitude in an arts class as a 5th grader may sign up for immersion classes for their 6th grade year.

7.  What is "Eagle" on my student's schedule?
- Eagle is an everyday class period that allow your child's core teachers (Math, Language Arts, & Science/Social Studies) to work an additional 41 minutes to stretch higher achieving students and improve struggling students in their class.  Students rotate every 2-3 weeks to see each core teacher at least 1 time during their Eagle period each grading period.

8.   If I typically pick-up my child after school, instead of having them ride the bus, where do I go?
- You will park in our parking lot and students will come out (Door 13 & 14) to coned-off area beside the gym at approximately 3:10 PM.*
- There is no sign-out requirement, as they are getting to the middle school level, but we do ask that you walk them from the coned-off area to your parked car to keep them safe walking in the parking lot.
* If there is severe weather at the end of the day, students will remain in the gym and a parent/guardian must enter through Door 13 go up the stairs to the gym and pick up their student.  If you are unable to climb stairs (grandparents or those with medical needs) we will assist you in getting your student to you.

9.  Will my student have access to technology at Glenwood?
-  Yes, we have 3 computer labs, multiple classroom sets of Chromebook computers, every Science/Social Studies class has a class set of iPads, and when they are in the 6th grade they will receive a Chromebook to use throughout the day.

10.  How do I report my student absent or tardy?
-  There are 2 ways:
1) You can go to the Glenwood website and click on "Attendance Reporting" or click HERE to complete the short online form and submit.
2) You can call our office at (330) 491-3780 after 7:20 AM.