Attendance Reporting
Reporting absences are the responsibility of the parent/guardian. To report your child absent, it is important that you do one of the following:
1. Phone the school or email the building secretary before 9:30 a.m. on the day of your child’s absence.
2. Upon returning a child MUST bring a note from the doctor, dentist, parent, etc., stating why the child was not in attendance.
If we do not hear from you by 9:30 a.m., the school must do the following, phone the home, the emergency number and/or place of business to check on the absence. Absences due to trips may be permitted, but prior approval must be received from the principal. Parents should notify the school a minimum of 5 school days ahead of extended absences that would require schoolwork.
Morning Arrival
Students are not permitted to enter the building until 8:50 a.m. There is no adult supervision outside the school prior to the 8:50 a.m. start. Students will be marked tardy if they arrive after 9:10 a.m. Tardiness If a student arrives after 9:10 a.m. an adult must accompany the student to the main office to sign in.
Anybody picking up a student at any time must have a valid Photo ID and the individual must be listed as an approved person to pick up the student on the dismissal survey. It is strongly encouraged that any student dismissal changes made by the parent or guardian be sent to the main office prior to 3:00 p.m. Student Dismissal begins at 3:35 p.m. and ends at 3:50 p.m. No students are permitted to stay in the building after dismissal.
Early Dismissal
Parents are encouraged not to have their child dismissed early from school unless there is a family emergency or necessary appointment that cannot be scheduled outside of the school day. Parents should contact the main office via phone call, note or email indicating the reason for the early dismissal. All parents must come to the main office to sign their student out for any early dismissal.
Glenwood Intermediate School
Oakwood Middle School
GlenOak High School
GlenOak High School 24-Hour Attendance Report Lines. For your convenience, you can report an absence, tardy or early dismissal using the following 24-hour attendance lines.
9th Grade Academy
- Attendance Line: 330-491-3831
- Academy Secretary: 330-491-3945
Grades 10-12 are organized by Student's Last Name
Last Name beginning with A-Ha
- Attendance Line: 330-491-3811
- Academy Secretary: 330-491-3872
Last Name beginning with He-Mo
- Attendance Line: 330-491-3821
- Academy Secretary: 330-491-3837
Last Name beginning with Mp-Z
- Attendance Line: 330-491-3841
- Academy Secretary: 330-491-3907
Attendance Reminders: Students should be called off to their Academy Secretary or by leaving a message on the attendance line by 8:00am the morning of the absence. If no call is received, a note to excuse the absence must be brought in the next day. No make-up work is permitted for an Unexcused Absence.
Parent ID for pick-up: In the event there is a building-wide dismissal during the school day, parents are required to have identification when they pick their son or daughter up at school.