Safety Questions Answered
Following are 5 questions parents should ask to ensure their child’s school has created a comprehensive Security and Crisis Response Plan:
1) Is there a Security and Crisis Response Plan in place and has it been customized for this specific school?
YES! While many states require schools to have a Security and Crisis Response Plan, it’s important that you know your child’s school is utilizing a security plan that has been customized specifically for that school; not a general template or a copy of another school’s security plan. Every school has unique attributes and demographics, thus the security plan will reflect those specific characteristics.
2) Does the school regularly conduct safety drills including evacuation and lockdown scenarios?
YES! The more students and staff practice for a potential emergency situation, the better they will react during an actual event.
3) If there is a crisis at school, what should parents do?
Parents need to listen and follow carefully pick-up or relocation instructions provided by the District Superintendent. It is important for parents to know ahead of time the location and exactly what they need to do if there is a crisis situation at their child’s school. In all student release situations a picture ID by the parent will be required!
4) What training is given to staff on how to survive a crisis situation?
It is crucial for school administrators and teachers to know how to respond during a crisis at school. Crisis teams are in place at each of the individual Plain Local School buildings if needed. All staff have been trained on crisis intervention and response drills.
5) Does your child’s school practice emergency response procedures with local law enforcement officials?
YES The district plan is in sync with local law enforcement’s response plan, the school and law enforcement co-develop the response plan, and then we have conducted safety drills together to practice real-time scenarios. We have worked closely with first responders to ensure all are prepared in the event of an actual crisis.
Do you have safety and security questions? Contact the Business Office at 330-492-3500.